
Week 28
Daily Reading

MONDAY Reading for Today:Luke 8:40-56 Colossians 3:15-25 Psalm 130–1311 Chronicles 15–16 Colossians 3:15-25A plastic wrist band from several years ago sported the initials WWJD (What would Jesus do?) The wearer was reminded to respond to life’s situations as Jesus would have. At least that was the intent. Long before someone cashed in on the wrist […]

Week 27 Study |
Speak Up by Being Different

In many ways, believers are similar to unbelievers. Both are made in God’s image and therefore have dignity and worth. Both are fallen due to sin and therefore have need of redemption. But they are also very different. They have chosen to follow different paths. They have chosen different lifestyles. They will have different destinies. […]


Week 27
Study Questions

Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson. 1. What personal skills or qualities do you rely on each day? What makes you qualified (or not qualified) for what you do at school, work, home, or in ministry? What holds you back? 2. What do you value most and where do you […]