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Are Your Ears Burning?

By Joy Crichton Denise reluctantly tied her gym shoes and gathered her water bottle and towel. Some days she hated going to the gym, hated battling midlife to keep her figure, hated spending time in a room full of treadmills and weight equipment. She searched her bag and released a frustrated sigh . . . […]

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Do You Really Want to Be Healed?

By Joy Crichton The smell of mocha permeates the air like vapor energy, a kind of hypnotic happiness to fuel the remainder of our day. My eyes scan the booths of faces engaged in animated conversations in search of my friend. Before she sees me I briefly glimpse the ravages of her everyday life displayed […]

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A Different Kind of Gift Exchange

By Joy Crichton It was the Sunday after Christmas and our church family had returned from their travels. Stan and Sandy greeted me. “So, how was your Christmas?” I asked them. “You know,” Stan answered, a smile turning up his lips, “Christmas would be nice if it weren’t for family.” We laughed at his joke, […]

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It’s the Little Things

By Joy Crichton My best friend’s husband has aggressive cancer. Each day I hear the weariness of this journey in Laurie’s voice as she struggles with God’s movement in their lives. This diagnosis changes everything. The unimportant drops away and her focus sharpens on the meaningful and necessary things. Her time with Jerry is running […]

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It Takes a Church

By Joy Crichton   It was a sunny Friday in Haslett, Texas when 8-year-old Corbin Warren looked across the playground and saw his friend choking. Without hesitation, the young hero wrapped his arms around the 6-year-old’s chest, balled his fist, and thrust it into the boy’s abdomen, dislodging the stone stuck in his throat and […]