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Beauty from Ashes

By Shara Bueler-Repka The morning sun flecked the curtains as shock waves coursed from my chest to my gut. The events of the prior day, November 24, 1980, had not been a bad dream. The nightmare was real. My classmates and I smelled smoke from a distant fire and figured the mountain backcountry was burning […]

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Concert in the Cookhouse

By Shara Bueler-Repka I stomped the cold from my feet and rubbed my hands together, feeling warmth creep into them. Fog billowed from my breath and from my horse’s nose. I put my foot in the stirrup and swung my leg over the saddle. “Yow, that’s cold!” I squeaked as I sat in the seat—at […]

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Trust for the Trail

By Shara Bueler-Repka I focused on the path in front of us and kept my seat centered as my horse, Nocona, and I rode along the narrow trail. The steep mountainside rose above us, and Nocona’s hooves ambled inches away from the plummeting precipice falling away below. As his hoof sunk into a soft part […]