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Transition Teens Successfully

By Tammy Darling When I heard from an acquaintance that her male cousin went off to college and didn’t even know how to operate a washing machine, I determined right then and there that my children would learn basic life skills before they truly needed them. While I learned in high school as part of […]

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Rebel with a Cause

By Tammy Darling Some kids rebel by sneaking out of the house late at night or by missing curfew—repeatedly. Others may express their rebellion by back talking, being disrespectful, or doing the opposite of what you say. My oldest daughter chose cutting. That’s right, my daughter was so angry at her parents and her Christian […]

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The Competition Trap

By Tammy Darling Women have a tendency to compete with each other on a much greater level than any of us realize. It’s become so ingrained in us and so socially acceptable that, for the most part, we don’t even realize that we’re doing it. Comparing appearance, job status, relationship status, parenting style, and possessions—it […]

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A Year of Rest

By Tammy Darling Every year I fall for it: the promise of simplicity wrapped in a subliminal message that if I just had the right organizational tools, my life would be streamlined and tranquil. By year’s end I’m restless, anxious for a new beginning, a fresh start. I begin picking up magazines at Walmart, such […]

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A Long Goodbye

By Tammy Darling October 6, 2010—the day will forever be etched in my mind. That day my world came to a standstill as my mother received the news that she was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. My all-consuming thought was: how do I move on from here? The questions piled up faster than cars […]