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Experiencing a Church-Wide Fast

By Candy Arrington When our minister called our church to a 40-day period of prayer and fasting, I huffed inwardly, knowing involvement would mean personal adjustment and sacrifice. However, almost immediately I committed to participate because I wanted to be a part of the church-wide experience. The only other time I had joined in a […]

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Cultivating a Positive Attitude

By Candy Arrington   Occasionally we hear stories of generosity, kindness, or heroism. These stories warm our hearts and stir our souls. But for the most part, the news touts evidence of hatred, greed, violence, deceit, and heartache. Nations war. Government officials disagree. Leaders cheat. Natural disasters occur. Terrorism abounds.  While it’s hard to have […]

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The Results of Jesus’ Death

By Candy Arrington   Following his death, Jesus’ followers huddled together behind locked doors, fearing what would happen next. They were confused, shocked, and grieving. In the midst of their heartache and fear, they couldn’t fully comprehend the results of his death. Even though Jesus tried to prepare them, those who remained didn’t understand the […]

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The Gift of a Godly Father

By Candy Arrington   The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a goodly heritage (Psalm 16:6, New Revised Standard Version).   After my mother died, I tackled the job of cleaning out her house. My father’s death had occurred 20 years earlier, so I was surprised she’d never emptied his […]

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Practical Tips for Caring for the Aging

By Candy Arrington   “Can you take me to the grocery store?” My mother’s voice sounded tiny and unsure, unlike this feisty, take-charge little woman. We had returned from a weeklong beach vacation a few days before. Prior to our trip, my mother drove herself everywhere, so I was surprised by her request. “Yes, I […]