By Danielle Metz
We drive a 1994 green Toyota Corolla with a paint-barren hood and a crooked front bumper. The window crank handles are broken or missing, and the back window lets out a shriek every time you try to roll it up or down. The air conditioning doesn’t work, and the steering wheel is slowly wearing down to the metal. The car is rough.
Judges with Evil Thoughts
Truth be told, I’m a little embarrassed. I don’t want to be judged by what I drive, even though I am guilty of judging others. I make quick decisions about people’s financial or educational statuses based on what they wear, how they talk, or what they look like.
James warned about the dangers of showing favoritism and how it causes people to “become judges with evil thoughts” (James 2:4, 5). He said, “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” It is vitally important to the effectiveness of the body of Christ that we do not judge too quickly what we see on the outside.
The Body Needs Every Part
We are interfering with God’s plan for his church and preventing the parts from working together properly when we view some people as being better or more important than others. We are all part of God’s plan in some way, and we are all called to inherit the kingdom. No matter how much money we have or don’t have or what is on the outside, our reward is the same.
As rough as it looks, our little car runs like a champ. It has outlasted two other newer cars in the last two years and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Even the one who appears to have nothing truly has something great to offer in Christ Jesus. You never know who is inside that rusty exterior.
Danielle Metz lives in Harrison, Ohio, with her husband, Mike, and son, Gabriel. She is a stay-at-home mother who blogs and cartoons about the humorous and not-so-humorous parts of being a parent.
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