By Paul Cole
During the month of June each year, we see many precious promises made in wedding ceremonies. Likewise God has given us many precious promises that go with us for today and for the future. We want to look at two wonderful promises that God has given us and to the people of Israel in 520 BC in one of the darkest times of their lives.
The Promise of God’s Presence
For most of us, we are either going into a problem, coming out of a problem, or in the midst of a problem. We may not know how to handle the storms of life or where to turn for the answers. It is good to know that we are sheltered in the arms of God. He walks beside us, guiding us and directing us down the dark road that we face. What is most interesting is that, even in our darkest hour, if we have God walking beside us, we will “fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4).
Since we are sheltered in the arms of God, we know that out of an ash heap we can raise up a beautiful temple or a masterpiece to God. Sometimes our lives are broken down, but God can make something beautiful out of them. He did in the time of Haggai, and he wants to do it in your life today and tomorrow.
The Promise of God’s Peace
What do you do when you know that you have blown it, you have turned your back on God, and you have gone to a “far country”? Some people say the road home is too long. It may feel so, but not for God’s people then or for us now; we know God breaks down all barriers through his Son, the Lord Jesus. We know we are welcomed home.
The Jewish people knew that God had welcomed them home, because he said his peace would rest on them. What is most interesting is that the peace of God would be more glorious than ever, and the reason was the promise of peace was pointing to his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. If we have that peace, we have the most glorious peace in the entire world.
Paul and his wife, Margaret, minister at Town and Country Christian Church in Alva, Oklahoma.
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