Atheists must contend with hard questions. If God doesn’t exist, how did our complex universe arise from nothing, and how did morality come from amorality? Without God, on what grounds shall we determine what is right or wrong? If we are not created in God’s image and human beings are nothing more than fortuitously evolved cosmic accidents, on what basis do we argue for human rights?
Believers face hard questions as well. If an all-powerful God created and loves us, why is the world such a mess? Why do innocent people suffer? Why does a good God allow a deranged shooter to randomly gun down students at school? Why do certain individuals always seem to be in the right place at the right time, while others never catch a break? Why does God grant health and wealth to some, while others endure pain and deprivation?
Philosophers call it the problem of theodicy—how to reconcile the justice of God with the reality of evil. Heroes of faith like Moses, Elijah, David, Job, Jeremiah, and Paul pondered the same honest questions we ask: “Where are you, God? Why do you allow these atrocities? Have you forgotten us or forsaken us?”
God is just, but life isn’t—and we must not confuse the two. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world,” but he also predicted, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). How can we pursue justice in a troubled world? Here are three ideas to get us started.
Believe in justice. The Bible says God’s “works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he” (Deuteronomy 32:4). Even when his ways are hard for us to understand, “God is love” (1 John 4:16). It’s okay to be honest about our frustrations, but we dare not grow cynical about the righteousness, faithfulness, and love of God.
Work for justice. Christians should lead the way in caring for the suffering and the marginalized. The prophet Amos declared, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24). Jesus criticized those who dared to “neglect justice and the love of God” (Luke 11:42). Will we speak up for the powerless, protect the innocent, and defend the weak? Will we summon the courage to confront bullies, challenge the abuse of authority, and speak out when government policies harm those who have no one to be their advocates?
Pray for justice. With Abraham we ask, “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). With Heaven’s martyrs we cry out, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” (Revelation 6:10). The parable about the persistent widow illustrates the effectiveness of faithful prayer. In Jesus’ story, someone with no social status (a first-century widow) appealed repeatedly to an unjust judge and eventually got a response (Luke 18:1-8). By contrast, we enjoy noble status as God’s children; and we address our appeals, not to an unjust judge, but to a loving Father who will see that his people “get justice, and quickly” (v. 8).
We live in a fallen world, but we are not powerless. In the pursuit of justice, let’s “always pray and not give up” (v. 1).
David Faust serves as the Associate Minister at East 91st Street Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Lesson study ©2018, Christian Standard Media. Print and digital subscribers are permitted to make one print copy per week of lesson material for personal use. Lesson based on International Sunday School Lesson, ©2013, by the Lesson Committee. Scripture quotations are from the New International Version, ©2011, unless otherwise indicated.
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