Reading for Today:
John 6:16-24
1 Peter 3:1-7
Song of Solomon 4:1-7
Jeremiah 50
Song of Solomon 4:1-7
Though Song of Solomon can make some believers uncomfortable, it’s included in the Bible for good reason. One reason is to remind readers that God designed sexuality. In Song of Solomon 4:1-7, Solomon praised the feminine figure of his beloved. He described her eyes, hair, neck, breasts, and even her teeth. The language he used might sound strange to us today, but the message is clear: her beauty impressed Solomon, and he wasn’t afraid to tell her about it. Today, if you’re married, tell your spouse why you love him or her, and be specific!
Reading for Today:
John 6:25-40
1 Peter 3:8-12
Song of Solomon 4:8-16
Jeremiah 51
John 6:25-40
Why do you follow Jesus? In this text, Jesus realized that the crowd of people who came to him on the other side of the lake followed him not because they wanted to get to know him better but because of what he might be able to give them. They followed him because he had fed them miraculously on the other side of the lake. They were self-centered. Today, there are still many people who follow Jesus for selfish reasons. What about you? Don’t follow Jesus because of what you hope he can give you; follow him because of what he has already done.
Reading for Today:
John 6:41-59
1 Peter 3:13-22
Song of Solomon 5
Jeremiah 52
1 Peter 3:13-22
Peter encouraged his readers to be ready to explain why they had hope (v. 15). This tells us two things. First, it tells us we need to be prepared. We should be ready anytime, anywhere to tell others about our hope. Second, it tells us we need to have—and demonstrate—a kind of hope the unbelieving the world lacks. The unfortunate reality is that many Christians don’t look any more hopeful than their unbelieving friends. Why would anyone ask us about our hope when we don’t appear hopeful? This week remember why you’re hopeful and be ready to tell others about it.
Reading for Today:
John 6:60-71
1 Peter 4:1-11
Song of Solomon 6
Lamentations 1
Lamentations 1
In the book of Jeremiah the prophet spent the majority of his time warning the Israelites to repent. Later, in the book of Lamentations, he lamented that they did not. By outward appearances it would seem that Jeremiah failed in his task. The people refused to turn from their sins and subsequently were led into captivity. Outward appearances, though, can be wrong. The truth is, Jeremiah was faithful in his call. Even though the people did not always listen to him, Jeremiah did as God told him to do. God’s definition of success is faithfulness, and by this definition, Jeremiah succeeded.
Reading for Today:
John 7:1-13
1 Peter 4:12-19
Song of Solomon 7
Lamentations 2
John 7:1-13
John 7:13 says that none of the people would say anything about Jesus because they were afraid of the religious leaders. Have you ever been afraid to speak out for Jesus? Maybe you don’t want to appear different from everyone else at work. Maybe you’re afraid of what people will think or say about you. It’s true that being a Christian should make you different. But being different isn’t always a bad thing. This week don’t be afraid to speak out for Jesus. Sure, it might make you stand out. But in this case, being different is exactly how you should be.
Reading for Today:
John 7:14-24
1 Peter 5:1-7
Song of Solomon 8:1-7
Lamentations 3
1 Peter 5:1-7
Have you ever served because you felt like you had to, rather than because you wanted to? Most of us probably have. We say yes to something out of obligation, instead of saying yes because we actually want to do it. Peter admonished elders in 1 Peter 5 to be eager to serve, rather than serving out of obligation. It’s good advice to all of us, even if we’re not leading a church. This week, when you’re serving those around you, remind yourself that you don’t have to serve them; you get to serve them.
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