
Gentleness: Quiet Power at Work

By Doug Redford Watch a mother dry the tears of a child who’s fallen while playing outside. Witness a father mending a broken toy for a son or daughter. Consider a surgeon as he or she goes about the task of repairing a broken bone. In each case gentleness is at work—quiet but effective. The […]


What I Learned from Gentle Bill

By Daniel Darling “Leaders are not nice,” I was told by the man who ordained me for ministry, “which is why I’m not sure you have the qualities to pastor.” These are interesting words, whispered into the ear of someone who is about to be ordained for ministry. But they fit with the ethos of […]

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The Gentle Whisper

By Kelly Carr Gentleness is something I think of to describe the feel of a soft breeze or the sound of a trickling stream or the cuddliness of a tiny kitten. But when a person exhibits gentleness, it doesn’t stop me in my tracks—in fact I’m sure I often overlook it. Especially in our culture […]


Evaluation Questions for October 30, 2016

By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Hebrews 12:1-13 1. As you consider the conditions of today’s world, do you mainly feel discouraged or encouraged? Why? 2. Why do you think the majority of people choose not to attend church services on […]