
The Lesson and Life for August 28, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Romans 12:1, 2; 13:8-10 By Mike Berry I remember the first time I was called out for lacking character. The reason I remember is that it stung. The second, and probably bigger, reason was that it changed me. Forever. Absent Character It was the spring before my senior year of college and […]


I Don’t Hate You; I Disagree With You

By David Faust Noah’s animals aren’t the only things that come in pairs. It takes two scissor blades to cut cloth. God designed our bodies with pairs of eyes, ears, hands, and feet to provide balance and perspective. Both-And For Christians, truth and love are both-and, not either-or. Truth and love don’t contradict each other; […]

Woman pruning magnolia tree

Can We Skip the Growing Pains?

By David Faust Someone has said, “Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but it takes faith to count the apples in a seed.” God designed plants to show remarkable resilience. A couple of years ago my wife took the pruning shears to an overgrown houseplant and chopped it down to a mere stub. […]