By David Faust When listing God’s attributes, it’s common to mention his love, justice, wrath, and grace. Here’s an attribute we often overlook: God is honest. Honesty is simply another word for truthfulness, and truth is simply another word for reality. God is always honest with us. There’s nothing fake about him—no pretense or fraud. […]
It’s Father’s Day!
By Bob Mize Once a new father told me, “Becoming a dad is the best thing I ever did!” With many others, not so much. It is tough being a dad. Frustrations and challenges overwhelm. Scriptures like, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” […]
Dads Making a Difference
By Kelly Carr My friends’ dads who were sponsors for my high school youth group were terrific. John would do a silly dance to the song “Footloose.” To this day I still picture his funny moves when I hear that tune. Steve took time away from his young kids to lead our youth choir and […]
Ignoring God’s Plain Truth—The Uniform Lesson for June 26, 2016
By Mark Scott “There is none so blind as he who will not see.” Today’s text describes a descent into depravity. Paul’s summation of the gospel is Romans 1:16, 17—the transforming power of Christ’s faithfulness to everyone. But before that transforming power can be effectual, sin must be acknowledged. This is Paul’s argument in Romans […]
Opting In
By T. R. Robertson My first year as a father was everything I had expected, plus a whole lot of what I hadn’t even imagined. The first child to come to our home was a little over a year old. The social worker brought him to our house one afternoon and told us we would […]