By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Isaiah 6:1-8 1. Has the Lord been setting the tone for your life lately? Why or why not? 2. Which of these four prayers resonates the most with your soul right now? Which of them […]
Isaiah—the Uniform Lesson for July 9, 2017
By Mark Scott In the first religious awakening of America, Jonathan Edwards preached a now famous sermon entitled, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” He took his text from Deuteronomy, and he pled for the people of New England to turn back to God. Centuries later the New Testament scholar, D.A. Carson, preached […]
What Everyone Means to Jesus
By Liz Curtis Higgs I grew up in a small Pennsylvania town where everyone looked like me: white, middle-class, conservative, Protestant. People with different skin tones found somewhere else to live. Immigrants steered clear. The only accents we heard were tourists from New Jersey. Even the economically disadvantaged were scarce. A few run-down houses here […]
Deaf Missions
By Laura McKillip Wood Chad Entinger began working at Deaf Missions as a way to give back to the ministry that had an impact on his life. When Chad, who is himself deaf, was 4 years old, his father attended a conference that Deaf Missions hosted. There his dad met the founder, Duane King, who […]
Excuses, Excuses—Life Application for July 2, 2017
By David Faust Ever since Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed Eve, the human brain has acted like an excuse dispenser, pouring out justifications for failure and disobedience. At the burning bush Moses’ initial response to God’s call included a cluster of excuses. Who, Me? Moses’ first excuse sprang from his own inadequacy. “Who […]