Man in despair with raised hands and bowed headd, in a low light room looking in front of mirror

He Had It All—Life Application for June 25, 2017

By David Faust Samson had it all. He was part athlete, part playboy, part warrior, and partly a man of God. His name is synonymous with extraordinary feats of strength and an outside-the-boundaries lifestyle. He tangled with lions, battled with Philistines, pursued beautiful women, and bantered with party guests. Long before someone coined the phrase, […]


Evaluation Questions for June 25, 2017

By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text Judges 13:1-7, 24, 25 1. What do you think were Samson’s greatest strengths? his greatest weaknesses? 2. Does anyone you know today make you think of Samson? Do you see yourself in any of his […]

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In The World—June 18, 2017

By Lindsey Bell Woman Seeks TV Help to Reunite with Long-Lost Father Amanda Holdiness was raised by her single mother, godparents, and grandmother. She often wondered about her father, but her mom didn’t provide much information about him. Holdiness said that her wedding day was the hardest. “I’ve always seen ladies walk down the aisle […]

Bible - Judges

Samson—The Uniform Lesson for June 25, 2017

By Dr. Mark Scott I do not like Samson. Like Esau, he was a sensualist (Hebrews 12:16, 17). He lived by his glands instead of his God. He was a playboy. The Samson narrative in Judges (chapters 13-16) is filled with rebellion, sexual immorality, anger, revenge, disappointment, heartache, and a glimmer of hope. That being […]

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Fathers of Faith

By Rose Cassie Being retired, I am now enjoying reflecting on the shadow of the almighty hand of God moving throughout my life, past and present. Being raised with my older sister, I was the tomboy of the two of us, following Dad around doing yard work and helping him fix items on Mom’s “honey-do” […]