By David Faust Oswald Chambers said, “The surf that distresses the ordinary swimmer produces in the surf-rider the super-joy.” Hardship can make us wiser and deeper, but it feels like a high price to pay. “The testing of your faith produces perseverance” (James 1:3), but honestly, most of us would rather apply that lesson to […]
The Lesson and Life — for December 30, 2012
By Garth Whewell It is that time again. It happens every year. We look back on our year and we resolve to do better. So let me make this resolution. I resolve to eat more beef jerky. After all, that is probably the only resolution I can honestly stick to. What’s yours? Study the […]
In the World — December 23, 2012
By Christy Barritt Richest Cities in the U.S. A new report listed the top 10 cities in the United States that have the highest average income. Washington, D.C. topped the list, with an average annual household income of $86,680. Only eight percent of households there live below the poverty line. The report was based […]
Christmas greetings from The Lookout staff
By Shawn McMullen Each year during the Christmas season we devote a page of The Lookout to a Christmas greeting from our staff to our readers. This year I’ve chosen to post our greeting on my editorial page, the first page (after the cover) you see in our print edition. Instead of our traditional […]
Christmas in the Shire
By Dr. Charlie W. Starr December 2012 means Christmas and hobbits, and they are more closely connected than you might think. Mid-December marks the premiere of the first of three films based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s popular children’s book, The Hobbit, which will be released over the next year and a half. Tolkien […]