By Sam E. Stone “Jesus Is Lord” is the theme for this quarter’s studies, focusing on Paul’s letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. These books (along with Philemon) are often referred to as the Prison Epistles. Most Bible students believe they were written around the same time period. In Ephesians the apostle refers […]
The Lesson and Life — for December 2, 2012
By Garth Whewell When I was a child I could not wait until Christmas morning. That was the morning I woke up long before sunrise and then spent the next several minutes going about the house waking up my mom, my dad, and all six of my older siblings. Together we would make our […]
Raising Grateful Kids
By Tammy Darling Because we love our children and grandchildren, we want to do whatever we can to make sure the world’s discontent doesn’t lead them into an endless pursuit of stuff that doesn’t satisfy. Yes, it is possible to raise grateful kids in a self-entitled society. Living in a discontented society, many kids […]
Guidelines for giving thanks
By Shawn McMullen This past summer I led a baby dedication service at my home church for our twin grandchildren, Sam and Ellie. Their parents (our daughter Kyla and son-in-law Eddie) requested the service to convey their gratitude to God and to express their intent before a church family to raise their children to […]
The Lesson and Life — for November 25, 2012
By Tim Seevers On a recent mission trip to Alabama, our church youth and adults were spread out all over the city of Birmingham working on houses. Some were roofing, some painting, some building a wheelchair ramp, and others leading Vacation Bible School among a group of inner-city youth. While our group was at […]