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In the World — November 4, 2012

By Christy Barritt   Multisite Churches on the Rise Currently more than 5,000 churches in America provide more than one location for worship according to the Leadership Network. That number has multiplied in the past decade, given that in 2002 there were only 200. “Multisite is truly a ‘new normal’ in cities large and small, […]

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You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

By Christine Venzon   I met my friend Freda on Saturday afternoons for Bible study in the nursing home where she lived. For physical affliction, Freda rivaled Job. Rheumatoid arthritis confined her to bed and splayed her fingers. Lesions on her esophagus required periodic scraping. A skin rash would erupt into pustules without warning, subdued […]

Seen and unseen

By Shawn McMullen   The dictionary on my desk defines supernatural as, “of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe.” That’s an apt description of the Christian faith—and of God himself. The writers of the New Testament often used the Greek word aoratos to express this concept, referring to something […]

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Ministering Angels Today

By David Timms   Angels have hit the big-time in the past few decades—not spiritually speaking, but in terms of television, movies, websites, gift cards, and trinkets. According to a 1993 Gallup Poll, 73 percent of Americans said they believed in angels. A year later, the Wall Street Journal ran a front-page story titled, “Long […]