18 coker

My Husband’s Diagnosis

By Ann L. Coker I took off work to hear my husband preach in chapel. Arriving late, I sat on the back row against the wall. Bill had already started his message. I sensed something different; his tone sounded strident. Returning to work, I kept thinking about his presentation. That evening I asked Bill if […]

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Evaluation Questions for May 7, 2017

By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Jonah 1:7-17 1. Do you have anything in common with Jonah? When has the Lord called you to go through a situation that seemed unpleasant, disagreeable, or overwhelming? 2. Have you ever tried to run […]

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Surviving with Depression: 7 Ways to Cope

By Blake Oliver I was diagnosed with depression when I was in first grade. My parents got divorced when I was too young to understand what was happening. I don’t even remember it. My childhood brain dealt with the situation the way that childhood depression happens: it lashed out. I was an angry kid. Children […]

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In The World—April 30, 2017

By Lindsey Bell Depression as Damaging to the Heart as Cholesterol and Obesity A study found that depression is as damaging to the heart as high cholesterol and obesity. The researchers knew beforehand that four factors greatly increased a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease: smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity. They didn’t know how […]

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The Unmentionable Subject of Suicide

By Amanda V. Porter It’s not hyperbole to state that there is a widespread, sweeping, and indiscriminate mental health epidemic in our country. Mental illness is more pervasive than heart disease and more segregating than leprosy. Suicide is just one component of this very complex and knotty issue. Let’s look closer at this matter with […]