17 lampos

Longing for Open Spaces

By Cleo Lampos A breeze tinged with spring crispness and the scent of overturned dirt drifted into the room. Ron and I both inhaled the fragrance. After a winter of tutoring this 9-year-old through math problems and reading passages, we both exhaled the frustrations he encountered with Tourette’s syndrome: facial tics, hand jerks, and eye […]

17 rowe

Focus on the Physical

By Javan Rowe We often think of our walk with the Lord solely in spiritual terms, with no regard for our physical bodies. At first glance, the Bible appears to confirm this with verses like John 4:23: “Worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth,” with no mention of the body. Or […]

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Get Out, Get Moving

By Kelly Carr Spring might be my new favorite season. (I used to be a fall girl. I still love it too.) After the short days of winter and the cold and cloudy atmosphere that exists for so long in Cincinnati, the peek of blooms and warming sun lifts my spirits. I find energy anew. […]