By Alan Dowd The world will know we are Jesus’ followers not by the fish decals on our bumpers, but by the love we show for one another. Trying to be a better reflection of Jesus, I recently turned to one of the Bible’s authoritative passages on love: 1 Corinthians 13. And I found […]
Unequally Yoked
By Lynn Duke What do you do when you find yourself “unequally yoked” in marriage? In 2 Corinthians 6:14 the apostle Paul wrote, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” Although Paul’s warning can apply to many […]
Marriage Made in Heaven
By Simon Presland God intended marriage to be a joyous and sacred union for all couples, but even more so for Christians. For believers, marriage is a representation of Christ’s relationship to the church—he is our husband and we are his bride. We also know that maintaining a “heavenly” marriage requires work, and the […]
Where You Live — June 10, 2012
By Dan Lentz 1. Talk with your group about a pet peeve you have. (A pet peeve is something that uniquely bothers you.) How did you develop this pet peeve? Why do you think it bothers you more than others? Read Leviticus 19:9-18, 33-37. 2. As you read these verses, talk about […]
Live as God’s just people–The Uniform Lesson for June 10
By Sam E. Stone Compassion is a key part of justice. In the Lord’s directions for how the people of Israel should live, justice is clearly an inherent ingredient. This is emphasized in the first five books of the Old Testament, known as “the Law.” An interesting literary device in today’s text is the […]