Peace in (and after) the storm– May 13, 2012

By David Faust Psalm 107   Quick—where do the folow-ing words appear in the Bible? “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the seawere hushed.” If you’re like me, you immediately think of the four Gospels, which tell the well-known story about how Jesus calmed a storm at sea. Surprisingly, however, those words […]

The Lesson and Life — May 20, 2012

By Ben Cachiaras    In the 1983 film A Christmas Story, a precocious boy named Ralphie is haunted on his daily trek from school by a big, mean bully named Scott Farcus. He lurks in alleyways, terrorizing the younger members of the neighborhood by taunting, chasing, and worst of all, twisting their arms behind their […]

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In the World — May 13, 2012

Public Divided Over Birth Control Insurance Mandate A national survey found that, of the Americans who are aware of the controversy over a proposed federal rule requiring employers to provide coverage for birth control as part of their health care plans, 48 percent of them supported an exemption while 44 percent said religiously-affiliated institutions should […]

As Christ loved the church

By Shawn McMullen    Last January the cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground in the harbor of the Tuscan island of Giglio and keeled over after striking underwater rocks. More than 30 people died in the incident. One of the survivors, a woman from France, later explained that her husband had sacrificed himself for her […]

The church and the prosperity gospel

Jacqueline J. Holness    Home to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a host of megachurches, Atlanta is known as America’s civil rights capital. While I attend a smaller church, I have visited some of Atlanta’s megachurches. Some I have visited are like my home church in regard to their presentation of the gospel. The […]