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In the World–February 19, 2012

By Christy Barritt   Jesus Second Most Popular Person in America Abraham Lincoln tops the list of most popular people in America, but Jesus is right behind him. That’s the findings from a recent Public Policy Polling survey. According to the survey, 90 percent of Americans view Jesus favorably. The national survey was taken to see […]

Hold It Out

By Steve Wyatt   Several years ago, talk show host Merv Griffin interviewed a group of bodybuilders. Merv, a soft and mushy kind of guy, found himself surrounded by six-pack stomachs, granite-like glutes, and biceps as big as tree trunks.  Impressed by their muscularity, Merv asked what at first seemed humorous, but eventually became a […]

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Listening with Open Ears

By Nicole R. Pramik While Christians are called to be different from the world, we have to be familiar with the culture we live in if we want to make an impact for Christ. We should strive to be as aware of our culture as we are of Scripture so we can communicate Christ’s truth […]

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First-Century Culture Shapers

By Greg Swinney   As a chubby little Sunday schooler, I used to sit in the musty basement classroom of the church on Main Street. I sang with my friends, “O be careful little feet where you go . . . little ears what you hear . . . little eyes what you see . […]