By Kelly Carr Today we begin a three-part series on generations. What’s that? I’m glad you asked! God’s church is made up of many different people. One difference is our ages. Last year when we talked about cross-generational relationships, it was eye-opening to be reminded of the benefits that come from people of various ages […]
In The World—March 12, 2017
By Melissa Wuske Childcare Costs for Student Parents Nearly 5 million college students in the United States are also parents, including a quarter of all undergraduate students. But balancing school and parenting presents a financial challenge, particularly in regard to paying for childcare. Child Care Aware of America estimates that it can cost up to […]
You Are Loved—Life Application for March 5, 2017
By David Faust If the Bible didn’t say it, we might not dare to think it is true: “God is love.” Can you think of any more important words than those? John summed up God’s character in this theological nutshell, saying it twice for emphasis (1 John 4:8, 16). God isn’t an impersonal force. He […]
We Get to Carry Each Other
By Sean Palmer I break out in cold sweats when I think of 2004. What should have been a great year turned like milk left on the counter overnight. My first daughter was born in November 2003. She was our miracle. Six years earlier, before my wife, Rochelle, and I married, doctors told us that […]
Perfect Love—The Uniform Lesson for March 5, 2017
By Mark Scott God’s primary identity must become our primary activity. That identity and activity in a word is love. A loving God was all but unheard of in ancient Greece. The false gods they believed in were often more immoral than humans and had to be appeased—not embraced due to their love. But in […]