By David Faust One of Jesus’ most famous quotes is, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). When he first said those words, however, his Jewish listeners didn’t appreciate the suggestion that they needed to be set free. “They answered him, ‘We are Abraham’s descendants and have never […]
In The World—February 5, 2017
By Melissa Wuske Unexpected Star Under the Friday Night Lights Noah Kennedy has struggled with severe health problems his whole life. “When I was younger, my mom was told that I wouldn’t make it past my second birthday. Then she was told that I wouldn’t live past 4, then 8, then 13, and then 16. […]
Homeruns, Fumbles, Families, & Sports
By Brian Jennings As the third base coach for my son’s T-ball team, my job was to instruct kids to halt at second, come to third, or dash home. This was a great job, even though many of the kids viewed my instructions as mere suggestions. One time a player ran from second and I […]
The Heart of the Game
By Kelly Carr It will be a familiar tale in households across the country today. Tis the season for the majority of America to gather with loved ones, food at the ready, experiencing a bonding camaraderie highlighted with high fives or shouts of frustration. What is this siren song, calling everyone forth? It’s the biggest […]
New Birth Brings Freedom—The Uniform Lesson for February 12, 2017
By Dr. Mark Scott Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. Were he still living he would be 208 years old. We know him as the 16th president of the United States and also as the Great Emancipator. He not only signed a freedom document, he also saw the country through a terrible civil war. Freedom is […]