By Naomi Zacharias I recently sat across from a woman I wanted to adopt as a kind of nonna. Originally from Croatia, she spoke with a soft accent and combination of wisdom and kindness. In observing my 5-year-old son with me, she noted, “He has a high sense of injustice.” I nodded in agreement. My […]
Living Out the Christian Call to Justice
By Katerina Parsons In an urban neighborhood just outside of Honduras’s capital city Tegucigalpa, the streets at night go quiet. People retreat behind closed doors and lock them shut. People do not walk alone or go out at night because they are afraid of what could happen, afraid of becoming another statistic in a country […]
Responding to Injustice
By Drew Coons “We had so little to begin with,” an American missionary in Africa sobbed. “They’ve taken most of that away.” The government of the country we served required foreigners to exchange all of our money for local currency at a state-run bank. That bank gave only a fraction of the value of our […]
In The World—January 8, 2017
By Melissa Wuske Comedian Helps Family in Need Tim and Keri Richardson have fostered more than 70 children, and right now their household includes five biological and seven foster children. When the family fell into financial hardship and their car was stolen, they reached out to others to help through a crowdfunding site, but they […]
Bow Down—Life Application for January 15, 2017
By David Faust In more ways than one, the earth is off-kilter. Our planet isn’t straight up and down as it zooms through space. With its axis tilted at a 23.4 degree angle, the earth remains a bit askew, which allows us to experience different seasons. For half a year (and half an orbit) one […]