By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Luke 1:39-56 1. In the depths of your heart, do you tend to be cynical or surrendered to the Lord? 2. When you feel frustrated, how does your faith in the Lord help you cope? […]
Surviving Your Extended Family
By Phil & Bev Haas It’s not easy to admit, but my extended family is a mess. The thought of spending time with them over the Christmas holidays is distressing. I’m guessing I need an attitude adjustment as well as some suggestions on how to make the most of this time. Here’s a story we […]
In The World—December 4, 2016
By Melissa Wuske Christians Act with Compassion Toward Refugees While the news is often filled with rhetoric about the dangers of refugees and calls to close the nation’s borders, some evangelical Christians are living out a different story. “It’s not unusual that we have politicians timid in the face of fear. But the task of […]
The Affirmation of the Promise—The Uniform Lesson for December 11, 2016
By Mark Scott Few things feel as good as affirmation. Is this because we are so insecure or our self-esteem is so poor? Or is it because we rightfully long for proper affirmation? While in Israel this past summer, our tour group affirmed our tour guide, Mike, at the Garden Tomb. Alan Ahlgrim spoke words […]
STOP—Things Can Wait
By Kelly Carr Rest . . . ahhhhh. That’s got to be the sixth love language, am I right? When you’re well-rested, your mind is sharper, your attitude is brighter, and your temperament is more at peace. It feels good! There are so many benefits, I’m tempted to skip writing this editorial and go take […]