
Thanks Never Goes Out of Style

By Kelly Carr One podcast I enjoy listening to each week is Awesome Etiquette. Hosts Lizzie Post and Dan Post Senning are cousins and the great-great-grandchildren of famed etiquette guru Emily Post. They answer questions regarding how etiquette applies to modern-day scenarios. Dan said they often get asked if thanking people is still important. Lizzie […]


Thankfulness in Terrible Times

By Victor Knowles He was a prisoner of war, far from home in a foreign country that did not recognize the sovereignty of Almighty God. In fact, a new law had just been passed that if anyone prayed to any god or man other than the imperial king, he would be summarily executed. What was […]


Carrying on the Thanksgiving Tradition

By Janet L. Jackson Thanksgiving always brought joy to my heart and stomach when I was a small child. The wonderful smells wafting through the house and the anticipation of Grandma and Grandpa soon arriving with Grandma’s prizewinning mashed potato yeast rolls were cause for this excited youngster to dance and sing around the house […]