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Week 07 Study | Faithful Disciples

Mother Teresa was known for saying, “God did not call me to be successful but to be faithful.”  At the end of the day that is the desire of every disciple. What Christian does not long to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21, 23)? In our lesson today Tabitha was […]


Week 07 Application | God’s Gazelles

Gazelles are members of the antelope family known for their large, lustrous eyes and graceful movements. Some of the fastest animals on earth, gazelles can run 60 miles per hour in short bursts and at a sustained speed of 30 miles per hour. They also can jump, using a distinctive behavior called “stotting” (leaping high […]


Week 07 Study Questions

Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Are you familiar with websites such as and Look them up on your computer or smart device and describe their services. Why do you think these sites are popular? 2. Many phones today allow us to program frequently called numbers so […]


Week 07 Mission | Where Do I Fit?

My wife and I recently returned from a trip visiting our son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren in Texas. Baptizing my oldest grandson at the Southlake Campus of The Hills Church highlighted our visit. At the church we experienced an enthusiastic welcome by ushers. They helped us feel at home.  Prior to his baptism our grandson Will […]