
Week 16
Daily Reading

MONDAY Reading for Today:Mark 5:21-431 Corinthians 9:13-27Psalm 83Judges 4–5 Mark 5:21-43 Many people were touching Jesus when he traveled with Jairus. I imagine that at least a few of those people had ailments of their own: coughs, skin diseases, cuts, fevers, or bruises. Nonetheless, the one person Mark tells us that Jesus healed was the […]


Week 15
Study Questions

Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. If you were to find the proverbial magic lamp and were granted three wishes, what would they be? Were any of your wishes related to safety/security? How about desires/appetites? Did any relate to deeper understanding/relationships? 2. Give yourself one minute to make two […]


Week 15 Application |
Dying To . . .

Death isn’t a joking matter, but the word dying has found its way into our vocabulary as a common form of exaggeration. Do you ever say, “I’m dying to get home and take a hot shower”? Maybe you’re feeling weary at work, so you exclaim, “I’m dying to take a vacation,” or “If the boss […]