Three times in three short verses, the apostle Peter talks about looking forward. Christians “look forward to the day of God and speed its coming” (2 Peter 3:12). “We are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth” (v. 13). Then Peter declares, “Since you are looking forward to this, make every effort […]
Week 43 Application |
Week 43 Mission | Whatever Happened to the Second Coming?
When I was five years old, my Uncle John invited me to go with him to my first “revival meeting.” The speaker was an old-style evangelist who preached hell hot and eternity long. It was a warm fall night, so the windows of the church were open. As the sermon began, I could look out […]
Week 43 Character | Avoiding Spiritual Procrastination
We humans are capable of some less-than-stellar habits. One of these is procrastination. We have a deadline, and instead of pacing ourselves to meet the deadline in equal, strong bursts, we do as little as possible before the absolute last minute and apply immense pressure to ourselves to reach the demands of the deadline. This […]
Week 42 Study |
Persevere in Truth
“Close” works if the game is horseshoes. But for rocket science and neurosurgery close is not good enough. There is another area where close is not good enough. It is the truth of Christian doctrine. Almost every book in the New Testament says something about false teaching or false teachers (Philemon would be an exception). […]
Week 42 Application |
Get Real
It’s become common lately for people to speak about “their truth.” I consider truth a synonym for reality, so it sounds strange to hear someone say, “This is my truth.” Of course, all of us have different backgrounds and experiences, but it’s dangerous when our subjective views determine what is real for us, regardless of […]