Jesus made it clear that we are in the business of making disciples. We call it the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion. But if that’s true, why don’t we prioritize disciple making? What’s keeping us from following this command, and what can we do to overcome those barriers? Let’s get strategic help from a […]
Week 06 Mission |
Week 06 Character |
All Good Gifts
Heather and Sherry sit in the chapel, the one place they’ve found that makes life in the state prison bearable. Heather was sentenced to nearly a decade behind the prison walls for drug dealing and related offenses. Sherry, found guilty of violent crimes, faces a considerably longer term in prison. On this night, both Sherry […]
Week 05 Study |
God Is with You in Your Failings
The word closer sums up much of the Bible’s content. God is always wanting to get closer to people. Even in our text today God is pictured as walking in the garden (near Adam and Eve) in the cool of the day. The promise of God’s “withness” is scattered throughout the Bible (Exodus 3:12; Joshua […]
Week 05 Application |
My Worst Sin
Does the title of this article grab your attention? Are you curious to know, What is Dave’s worst sin? What wicked deed will he confess? You already may be imagining the possibilities. Of course, if I wrote down all of the sins I ever committed, this page couldn’t contain them all. While eating breakfast with […]
Week 05 Character |
Melting Icebergs
Anger is a fact of life. Our world is filled with violence, hatred, war, and aggression. We can find ourselves facing anger with friends, coworkers, family members, and even the driver in the car next to us. If you’re like me, you might struggle with anger as a first response when something doesn’t go your […]