Our lives are often complicated with chaos. Deadlines, family needs, and responsibilities consume our time and demand our attention. As our Creator, our Heavenly Father, our bridegroom, and our friend, the Lord deserves not only a spot on our calendar, but a priority in our lives. His will and plans should be at the forefront […]
Week 01
Week 01
Mission |
When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). It was September 2018. I was in a meeting of ministers from around the country. Shortly after the meeting began, the talk turned to the news that a young California minister had taken his life. His final sermon was posted online and the message […]
Week 52 Study |
Whole World
Perhaps you’ve heard the advice, “Buy what you’re selling.” You wouldn’t expect a Ford salesman to drive a Chevy. On the threshold of a new year Christians may well want to ask, “If we are not convinced that Christ fulfilled prophecy (last week’s lesson) and also rose from the dead, will a watching world believe […]
Week 52 Application |
World-Impacting, but not Worldly
God calls us to impact the world, but not to imitate the world. I have been trying to think of a clever catchphrase to describe the difference between worldly people and those who change the world in a positive way. Kosmos, the Greek word translated world in the New Testament, is a multi-faceted term. From […]
Week 52 Mission |
How to Pray for the World
Want to change the world? It starts with prayer. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest Jesus and his closest followers were walking through towns and villages sharing hope and help with all who needed it. And there were plenty who needed it. The sick, the harassed, and the helpless were all like sheep without […]