God likes things to grow: families (Genesis 1:28), gardens (v. 29), nations (11:8, 9), and churches (Acts 5:14). In fact, God expects his church to grow (Matthew 13:31, 32) and it is unnatural if she does not grow (vv. 8, 23). If “well begun is half done,” then the church is off to a great […]
Week 45 Application | Hold Them Loosely
Have you heard someone say, “Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite”? According to one theory, the expression comes from frontier times when mattresses were supported by ropes or strings that were pulled tight to make the bed comfortable. There’s another way to “sleep tight,” though, and it’s not good. Do you ever go […]
Week 45 Mission | Major World Religions
What do people around the world believe? Keeping a few basic principles in mind will help us better understand the major world religions that appear in this brief overview. First, let’s temporarily suspend judgment as we seek to understand what others believe. If we judge too quickly, we may be judging a perversion of that […]
Week 45 Character | God in Our Grief
Grief is all around us. As I write this our nation is grieving the death of a revered United States senator. Our Christian community is grieving the tragic death of a teenager in a car accident. In our neighborhood there is someone in grief. It is a part of life. Grief is an emotional response […]
Week 44 Study | Gentile Inclusion in the Church
Years ago Dr. Marshall Leggett was preaching on Acts 10, 11 at Broadway Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky, and his opening line of the message was, “That door just keeps getting wider.” One cannot read the Book of Acts without being impressed with the wide embrace of the inclusiveness of God. Acts is the story […]