Week 34
Week 33
Daily Reading
Death ends all—there is no going back. The unnamed rich man would have given anything for a do-over, but death closed the door on that possibility. Memory remains intact on the other side—he showed concern for his brothers who were still alive. God is content with Scripture as his means of conveying salvation truth. Death seals […]
Week 32
Daily Reading
Luke 14:15-24“An excuse is the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.” I heard that definition years ago and it stuck. If you listen closely, most excuses fit very neatly into those parameters. That explanation certainly describes the excuses used in Jesus’ parable. The truth is this; if we really want to do something, […]
Week 31
Daily Reading
2 Thessalonians 3:14-18Discipline is never easy and must always be administered with the goal of positive change. It is far easier for a parent to ignore a childish offense, but genuine love demands correction that produces a beneficial effect. Discipline in the Lord’s family must be administered with the purist of motives and tenderest of […]
Week 30
Daily Reading
2 Thessalonians 3:1-5Science assumed that the expansion of the universe was slowing. After all, matter’s gravity should be reigning in the outer limits. The assumption was wrong; the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate due to the impact of dark energy and dark matter. Dark energy and matter cannot be seen or measured, but […]