By David Faust Do you ever feel like you are attempting the impossible? We serve a God who’s invincible but invisible, deserving of our faith but hard to figure out. We’re told to love our enemies, but our instincts push us toward revenge. We’re told to live holy lives, but we’re surrounded by temptation. […]
What About the Leftovers?–John 6
By David Faust Do you like to eat leftovers? Some foods (homemade soup, for example) taste better on the second day than on the day you make them. Clever chefs transform yesterday’s pot roast into today’s beef stew, and turn slightly overripe peaches into a delicious pie. Thrifty homemakers give their children hand-me-down clothes […]
Do You Want to Get Well?–John 5
By David Faust Crowds have personalities, just as individuals do. Excited crowds cheer at ballgames. Jovial crowds laugh at the jokes of after-dinner speakers. Angry crowds give elected officials a piece of their mind at town meetings. John chapter 5 tells about another kind of crowd, brought together by common pain. At the pool […]
Happy Are the Humble–John 3 and 4
By David Faust Years ago my high school guidance counselor urged me to speak up for myself. He said, “If you don’t toot your own horn, your horn will never be tooted.” However, someone far wiser advised, “Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips” […]
Down-to-Earth Communication from God–John 1
By David Faust Communication is a meeting of meanings—conveying information in order to gain a common understanding. That seems simple enough, but accurate communication can be very difficult. What will you get when you ask for a simple piece of bread? Crusty Italian? German pumpernickel? Irish soda bread? Ethiopian injerra? American whole wheat? I […]