By David Faust Oswald Chambers said, “The surf that distresses the ordinary swimmer produces in the surf-rider the super-joy.” Hardship can make us wiser and deeper, but it feels like a high price to pay. “The testing of your faith produces perseverance” (James 1:3), but honestly, most of us would rather apply that lesson to […]
Speechless before the Almighty– Job 38-40
By David Faust Job has asked God lots of questions. Now it’s time for God to ask the questions. After Job and his friends speculate at length about the meaning of life and suffering, the Lord speaks to Job. It’s the longest single speech attributed to God in all the Bible. God speaks “out […]
When you’re in the pit– Job 33
By David Faust Do you know how it feels to be down and out? Have you ever fallen into an emotional pit? Some of faith’s heroes lived in caves and holes in the ground (Hebrews 11:38). Jeremiah literally spent time in a pit, lowered into a muddy cistern (Jeremiah 38:6). Even worse, Daniel’s pit […]
Remember when you were in your prime?– Job 29
By David Faust A peculiar kind of suffering sneaks up on those who lead productive lives. Eventually it dawns on you that you’re no longer in your prime. No one wants to fade into irrelevance like an old yellowed newspaper—yesterday’s news. A woman who used to turn heads when she walked into a room […]
Offering help to a suffering friend– Job
By David Faust In the midst of his troubles, Job had three friends who came to “sympathize with him and comfort him” (Job 2:11). Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar cried with Job and sat on the ground with him for a full week without saying anything (2:12, 13). They listened as Job tried to find an […]