By David Faust Psalms 93-98 Positioned in the center of the Bible, the Psalms remind us that worshipping God should be central to life. They use picturesque language to stretch our imagination and expand our appreciation for God’s glory. It’s no surprise that for centuries God’s people have used the Psalms’ collection of […]
Numbering our days– April 22, 2012
By David Faust Psalm 90 Walking through a mostly empty church building, a friend of mine noticed the minister’s young daughter standing on the stage with a microphone in her hand. She sang, “Jesus loves me, this I know, 40 Bibles tell me so.” My friend laughed, “Hey, if 40 Bibles say it, […]
A doorkeeper in God’s house–April 15, 2012
By David Faust Psalm 84 Who are some of the most important but least-heralded people in your church? The greeters. They are the friendly individuals who shake your hand and welcome you when you arrive for worship. As they hand you a bulletin (and maybe a copy of the lookout), you sense that […]
Facing up to the Lord–Psalms 78-82
By David Faust Apparently I am a social media dinosaur, for I am not on Facebook. Who needs Facebook when I’m already surrounded by faces? Photos in my office show me the smiling faces of my wife, children, and grandchildren. The faces of my neighbors, coworkers, and friends greet me every day. I see faces […]
When the innocent are mocked
By David Faust The word itself sounds ugly: mock. The deed is uglier still, and we know it when we see it. An insensitive bystander ridicules a person with a physical disability. An impatient driver makes rude gestures as he swings his car into the passing lane and zooms past the vehicle driven slowly […]