MONDAY Reading for Today: Matthew 8:1-13 Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 18:25-50 Genesis 41 Genesis 41 The real Field of Dreams had nothing in common with baseball. Joseph had a dream about bowing wheat sheaves. The palace baker and cupbearer had dreams about wheat bread and grape clusters. Pharaoh had dreams about cows and heads of grain. […]
Week 04
Week 03
Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today: Matthew 5:33-48 Acts 8:1-25 Psalm 13 Genesis 31 Matthew 5:33-48 You hurt me, and I respond with an equal vengeance. That was the “eye for an eye” reasoning of the day. Imagine the impact of Jesus’ words to forego any kind of retaliation or to do more than was asked in […]
Week 01
Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today: Matthew 1:1-17 Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 1 Genesis 1–2 Genesis 1–2 Just four words—In the beginning, God—but, oh, what a profound declaration! The writer does not offer any explanation for God’s existence; he assumes it. Of course, God exists! The transcendent God predates time, space, and the entire cosmos. In truth, there […]
Week 52 |
Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today: John 20:10-18 Revelation 18 Job 39 Haggai 1–2 Haggai 1–2 How much money do you invest in kingdom things? On the flip side, how much money do you invest in things that only hold value in this life? Unfortunately, many of us spend far too little time and money on eternal […]
Week 51 | Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today: John 18:28-40 Revelation 12 Job 35 Micah 4–5 Revelation 12 There are some things worse than death. One of those things is life without Jesus. The believers who are mentioned in Revelation 12 must have understood this too, because they stood strong against the devil’s schemes and refused to turn their […]