By Mark Scott Few things feel as good as affirmation. Is this because we are so insecure or our self-esteem is so poor? Or is it because we rightfully long for proper affirmation? While in Israel this past summer, our tour group affirmed our tour guide, Mike, at the Garden Tomb. Alan Ahlgrim spoke words […]
It Is What It Is—Life Application for December 11, 2016
By David Faust We’re all familiar with motivational plaques you see on workplace walls. I appreciate serious sayings like “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground” (Theodore Roosevelt), but I also enjoy tongue-in-cheek quotes that contain funny or thought-provoking twists—like these: • “People say nothing is impossible, but I do […]
How Will This Be?—Life Application for December 4, 2016
By David Faust In the late 1800s when visionaries proposed connecting Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with the mainland, skeptics scoffed about “the bridge that could never be built.” It took a long time to realize the dream, but since its completion in 1957, millions of travelers have crossed the 26,372-foot-long Mackinac Bridge. In 1961 President John […]
Evaluation Questions for December 4, 2016
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Luke 1:26-38 1. What is your first reaction when someone presents you with a visionary new idea? Are you eager to embrace […]
God Promises a Savior—The Uniform Lesson for December 4, 2016
By Mark Scott One thing that we can take to the bank is that God always keeps his word. He does not make a promise and then fail to keep it, and God could not have made a greater promise to the world than the promise of sending a Savior. During this Christmas season we […]