By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Revelation 22:11-21 1. What does it mean to you personally to think of Jesus Christ as “the Beginning and the End”? 2. Where do you see the Lord’s hand at work in your past? in […]
From Beginning to End—Life Application for November 27, 2016
By David Faust A good story grabs your attention at the start and never lets your imagination go until the end. It’s not enough for a movie to start well; it should end well too. The same is true for a speech, a sermon, and an interpersonal relationship. A strong start is good, but it’s […]
First and Last—The Uniform Lesson for November 27, 2016
By Mark Scott On this first day of Advent we consider the last passage of the Bible. God had the first word (Genesis 1:3), and he will get the last word (Revelation 22:20). Our lessons this month have gone to great length to describe the Holy City. Words fail us to describe its beauty. Sometimes […]
Living Waters—The Uniform Lesson for November 20, 2016
By Mark Scott So much of our environment and lives have to do with water. Think of how much of the earth is water. Think of how much of the human body is water. Israel is a dry land in the midst of various bodies of water. Our older son purchased a T-shirt in Israel […]
Evaluation Questions for November 20, 2016
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Revelation 22:1-7 1. Do you sometimes feel like our world is hopeless? What discourages you? 2. What gives you hope in our world? How do you feel when reading the Lord’s words, “Look, I am […]