By David Faust Among the images of Heaven in the final chapter of the Bible, none is more striking than the tree of life. This is no ordinary tree. It stands next to the crystal clear river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God. It brings to mind the tree […]
Evaluation Questions for November 13, 2016
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Revelation 21:9-14, 22-27 1. Based on what the Bible says about the new Heaven and the new earth, what is your favorite description of our eternal dwelling place? 2. What do you find mysterious, puzzling, […]
New Jerusalem—The Uniform Lesson for November 13, 2016
By Mark Scott Jerusalem is a stunning city. When the sun hits this city of stone, it sparkles. But the New Jerusalem that John saw in his vision sparkled even more. John utilized vivid language to describe what he saw. Much of this may be literally what John saw. But because John had never seen […]
Foretastes of Glory—Life Application for November 13, 2016
By David Faust Fanny Crosby was blind, but God gifted her with the spiritual insight to compose 8,000 hymns. A friend asked Fanny to suggest lyrics for a tune she had written, and the result was the beloved hymn that begins, “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine!” In Revelation […]
Evaluation Questions for November 6, 2016
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Revelation 21:1-8 1. Do you ever find yourself caught up in the quest for more of the things of this world—things that will one day pass away? 2. What do you most look forward to […]