It’s easy to break a slender thread. Two pieces of string will be stronger, but if you braid three strands together, you can form a rope that is difficult to break. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Over the years, this verse of Scripture has found its way into […]
Week 34 Application |
Week 34
Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson. 1. What is something you would never want to attempt alone? Why? 2. What was it like the last time you helped a coworker, friend, or neighbor out of a tight spot? Read Ecclesiastes 4:7, 8. 1. In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the […]
Week 34
Daily Reading
Week 33 Study |
Fear the Lord
In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve did not have to wonder about their significance. They had been created by God in his image (Genesis 1:26, 27). Their identity was not an issue. But when sin stained the planet their identity and sense of significance was compromised and marred. Humankind continued to search for […]
Week 33 Application |
In Pursuit of a Meaningful Life
Long before American patriots called the pursuit of happiness an inalienable human right, Solomon pursued it with a vengeance. He wondered, Is education the key? He studied arts and sciences, writing thousands of proverbs and songs, and becoming an expert on animals and plants (1 Kings 4:32, 33). But in his pursuit of information, Solomon […]