The theme for the 2015 NACC was “We Speak.” President Mike Baker based the convention theme on Acts 4:20. Speaking is not the only way to advance the kingdom, but it is a primary way. John R. W. Stott said, “We speak because God has spoken” (Between Two Worlds). In these next four lessons we […]
Week 25 Study |
Week 25 Application |
Give Me Jesus
The classic songs known as spirituals sprang from the passionate faith of African-Americans oppressed by slavery who lifted up their voices while working in the fields. Frederick Douglass, the former slave who became a prominent author and speaker, said spirituals “breathed the prayers and complaints of souls suffering the most cruel anguish.” Douglass admitted, “I […]
Week 25
Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. What is it like to watch someone suffer courageously or battle fearlessly (some examples: a cancer diagnosis, the death of a child, or a situation against all odds)? 2. What impact has it had on you or someone you know to witness steadfast […]
Week 25
Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today:Luke 5:1-11 Philippians 1:12-20 Psalm 119:113-120 2 Kings 4–5 2 Kings 4–5I’ve seen the Jordan River—it’s muddy. It’s easy to understand Naaman’s objection to dipping in it, but he totally missed God’s point. The point had nothing to do with the Jordan River’s superiority to the rivers of Damascus. The point wasn’t […]
Week 24 Study |
Strong In Him
The scholar Oscar Cullmann distinguished Good Friday from the Second Coming with an analogy. He likened Calvary to D-Day and the Second Coming to V-Day. D-Day was a decisive battle in WWII when the allied forces stormed Normandy, France. That battle was the beginning of the end for Hitler’s forces. But the war was not […]