Miraculous events make up 31 percent of Mark’s Gospel. With only two discourses in the book, the accent is clearly on the deeds of Jesus. Jesus is portrayed as no mere slight-of-hand magician but as a true worker of wonders. Miracles are sprinkled in these middle chapters of Mark (4-10) as the events move us […]
Week 15 Study |
Week 15
Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. If you were to find the proverbial magic lamp and were granted three wishes, what would they be? Were any of your wishes related to safety/security? How about desires/appetites? Did any relate to deeper understanding/relationships? 2. Give yourself one minute to make two […]
Week 15 Application |
Dying To . . .
Death isn’t a joking matter, but the word dying has found its way into our vocabulary as a common form of exaggeration. Do you ever say, “I’m dying to get home and take a hot shower”? Maybe you’re feeling weary at work, so you exclaim, “I’m dying to take a vacation,” or “If the boss […]
Week 15
Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today:Mark 2:18-281 Corinthians 6:1-11 Psalm 78:1-39 Joshua 15–17 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 What were you before Jesus changed your life? Maybe you were a liar, a cheat, or an adulterer. Maybe you were a gossip, an addict, or a flirt. Maybe you were selfish, prideful, or angry. For sure, you were a sinner. […]
Week 14 Study |
Follow the Intriguing Teacher
Jesus really was a master teacher. Of course, it was his identity as the Son of God that made his words most important. But also outstanding was the variety of his supporting material. In the preaching of Jesus there was “something for everyone” (Raymond Bailey, Jesus the Preacher). He talked about farming, fishing, leaven in […]