The word closer sums up much of the Bible’s content. God is always wanting to get closer to people. Even in our text today God is pictured as walking in the garden (near Adam and Eve) in the cool of the day. The promise of God’s “withness” is scattered throughout the Bible (Exodus 3:12; Joshua […]
Week 05 Study |
Week 05 Application |
My Worst Sin
Does the title of this article grab your attention? Are you curious to know, What is Dave’s worst sin? What wicked deed will he confess? You already may be imagining the possibilities. Of course, if I wrote down all of the sins I ever committed, this page couldn’t contain them all. While eating breakfast with […]
Week 05
Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Fans of some sports teams are described as “diehards.” What are some characteristics of diehard fans? 2. Do you have any diehard fans? Who sticks with you through your failures as well as your successes? Read Genesis 3:6, 7. 1. Compare the description […]
Week 05
Daily Reading
MONDAY Reading for Today: Matthew 10:1-20 Acts 15:1-21 Psalm 23 Genesis 50 Psalm 23 Some contend there was an actual valley named “the shadow of death,” but if the psalmist was speaking metaphorically, what a beautiful picture. The shadow of death is significant. Shadows don’t hurt. They darken our path and obscure our vision, but […]
Week 04 Study |
God Is Pleased with Faithful Obedience
Faith in God is like a muscle in the body. It has to be stretched to be strong. Each of the Old Testament people we have studied this month had their faith stretched. Abel stretched his faith with his sacrifice. Enoch and Noah stretched their faith in their daily walk. Eleazar stretched his faith is […]