By David Faust Sometimes the far country seemed like a dream. And so did the feast his father had thrown long ago, with all the music and dancing, the happy tears and hugs, the overwhelming feeling of relief and hope. Now it was but a fading memory. Back then his family gave him a nickname: […]
Evaluation Questions for March 26, 2017
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Joel 2:12-13, 18-19, 28-32 1. In what way do you personally need to “return to the Lord your God” (Joel 2:13)? 2. How is your life different today because of the fact that God is […]
Restoring Love—The Uniform Lesson For March 26, 2017
By Mark Scott God’s love is perfect, great, and matchless (the subjects of the former three lessons). But because humans are involved, God’s love must also be restorative. David Brymer sings a worship song entitled “Restoration.” The people during the time of the prophet Joel would have liked that song. Regardless of when the book […]
Evaluation Questions for March 19, 2017
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: John 15:1-17 1. What kind of fruit is your personal life bearing right now for the Lord’s sake? 2. What kind of fruit is your local church bearing? 3. How does being generous with money […]
Matchless Love—The Uniform Lesson for March 19, 2017
By Mark Scott Matchless means peerless; no equal; unsurpassed. When we speak of God’s love for us, it is matchless. Our text is in the middle of what is called the Farewell Discourse of Jesus. The content stretches from John 13–15. It was the night of his betrayal. In an upper room somewhere in Jerusalem, […]