By Danny R. Von Kanel In many years of living, I have always served in a subservient role, whether to a minister as his associate or to a boss in a business. Indeed, throughout my high school, college, and graduate school years, I was never elected president of organizations, always vice president. Over time, […]
Helping Others Succeed
H. Lynn Gardner Famed basketball coach John Wooden defined success as “knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.” We succeed when we help others succeed. Success can mean personal development and growth into maturity or it can relate to the development of skills leading to productivity in […]
The Call of Humility
By Dr. Donald E. Phillips There once was a humble, faithful person who never missed church or Sunday school. He was so dependable for so long, the church awarded him a special medal recognizing his great humility. Unfortunately, when he tried to wear it, they took it back! Pride is a touchy subject. We […]
Playing Second Fiddle
“He must become greater; I must become less.” —John 3:30
Getting Outside the Walls
By Chris Barras On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake struck southern Haiti. Like many Americans, our community was shocked by the news, and we were glued to our televisions as we waited to hear the latest updates about the catastrophic natural disaster. Our church began praying for the victims and started considering […]