By Candace Wood Is it just me, or have you noticed how small the print has become on many items: telephone book listings, recipes, map directions, how-to instructions, and warnings attached to medications? What about the latest advances in computers, cell phones, and digital devices? Large amounts of information can be used and stored […]
Lasting Fasting
By Jerran Jackson and Lareesa Jackson My mother decided, at age 83, to fast. She had been a Christian for seven decades. Mom had graduated from Minnesota Bible College, taught Sunday school, and served faithfully in the church all of her adult life. And she still wanted to keep growing. So she did some […]
The Grateful Samaritan: A Lesson in Thankful Living
By Victor Knowles Practically everyone is familiar with the term “Good Samaritan.” Even those who aren’t acquainted with the biblical account (Luke 10:25-37) likely have heard the term used in media reports: “Breaking news! Good Samaritan is being hailed today as a hero for rendering assistance to a stranded elderly couple on a busy […]
A Disposition of the Heart
By Bill Weber It was the fall of the year. We were anticipating a great weekend with friends from Bible college days, friends we hadn’t seen for several years. After graduation they returned home where the husband worked the ranch with his father. We moved into youth ministry in the city. They had two […]
A Psalm of Thanksgiving
By Terry MacCabe I’d like to introduce you to my favorite psalm of thanks. I say “introduce” because I suspect that if I asked you to guess which one I am thinking of, you would make 150 guesses and still not come up with it. How can this be, you wonder, when the book […]