By Pat Ennis As a Christian woman trained as a home economist, I never expected to be single past my mid-20s. However, the Lord had a much different plan for me and has gently matured my attitude toward singleness as well as the purpose of marriage. Rather than view marriage as the only opportunity […]
Choosing Christ, Choosing Singleness?
By Valerie Long Today barely half of the young adults in America are married. And this trend is not limited to America alone; statistics reveal an increase in singles all over the world. While many are delaying marriage (the average age of first marriage for women is now 27 and men 29) citing desires […]
Building Walls with Music
By Mike Helm “It’s the coolest sound—it’s what excites me the most. All the hammers out there in the parking lot pounding nails together; there’s nothing like it. It bounces off the building, reverberates everywhere. The whole community knows what’s going on.” Raymond Bodley has more enthusiasm than you might expect on a rainy […]
Churches That Change Communities
By Debbie Amend The example and teachings of Christ are, by far, the driving vision and purpose surrounding community outreach for many churches across the country. Churches are making inroads into their communities in many ways, from food pantries and parent respite to medical clinics and support for homeless shelters. These forms of outreach […]
Taking Christ to the City
By Terry MacCabe A Facebook friend recently posted, “How can we worship with a homeless man on Sunday and ignore one on Monday?” It was one of those posts I wanted to comment on, but didn’t want to make waves with a friend (who, like most of my Facebook friends, I don’t know well). […]