By Marvin Garrison Handling snakes, dining on ethnic foods, playing driveway basketball with 50-year missionary veterans, learning to eat with chopsticks, meeting people from faraway places, spending time one-on-one with missionary warriors . . . These are only a few of the adventures Doug experienced through the Hi-Plains School of Missions. Doug’s parents were […]
Churches That Serve
By Greg Herriford After 18 years of organizing and participating in hundreds of short-term mission trips, I feel like I’ve seen a little of everything—the good and the bad, but nearly all good. When carried out with excellence and the proper motivation, a short-term mission trip can be a beautiful thing that brings joy […]
Biblical Examples of Godly Fathers
By Victor Knowles Sir Francis Bacon said, “It is a reverent thing to see an ancient castle or building not in decay, or to see a fair timber tree sound and perfect. How much more to behold an ancient and noble family which hath stood against the waves and weathers of time.” Before civilization, […]
Men’s Night Out
By William Butterfield “Men’s Night Out Tuesday at 6:30.” So goes the announcement every month to call the men of our church family together for an evening of fellowship at the Williamsburg (Virginia) Church of Christ (WCC). I am privileged to be among those men who meet each month for mutual encouragement. Sadly, this […]
The Gift of a Godly Father
By Candy Arrington The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a goodly heritage (Psalm 16:6, New Revised Standard Version). After my mother died, I tackled the job of cleaning out her house. My father’s death had occurred 20 years earlier, so I was surprised she’d never emptied his […]